Thursday, December 4, 2008


okay... so i would like to announce my arrival into the blogging world. i've had this blogspot account for a while now.. and for some reason i've never used it... but i think it makes sense for me to start blogging now since i'm about to be leaving home to spend 11 months in australia.. with that said, i am beginning to re-realize why i never used the account in the first place as i am currently encountering the dilemma of 'what in the world do i blog about?' oh the possibilities... do i give a play-by-play of what i've been doing in life?? or of the things i've been learning?? or should i stick to strictly witty posts? i feel like i have some sort of an expectation or preconceived idea about how i should maintain my blog-personality... or whatever. but just to eliminate that confinement.. i am going to go ahead and say that this blog might not be all that entertaining. sorry. it might be a bit of rambling and sometimes nonsensical... but i can promise you that it will be 100% me... i can assure you :)

and now for my first topic of discussion... i would like to discuss the abomination to yuletide cheer that is: inflatable christmas decorations. as i was driving home tonight, i passed a house that looks like they might be going into the business of massdistributing those tacky nylon holiday monsters.. but they weren't selling them at all... they were using them as a symbol peace on earth and mercy mild.. please, someone tell me.. what about a creepy blow-up santa that pops his head in and out of a creepy blow up chimney says 'welcome to earth baby Jesus'? am i the only one who wishes the whole world looked like kevin's street on home alone at christmas time?

1 comment:

Jon said...

Callie, welcome to the "Blogosphere". Blogging is interesting because it's such a vulnerable place to be. Trust me, you're about to have plenty of experiences to blog about soon. Geezz... living in Australia for 11 months? Amazing!

Isn't it exciting to know that God has something major he wants to do... and realizing that you get to be a part of that? Enjoy every moment of it. You're in a time of your life where you are completely free to take full advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Make sure and do that. Never let fear or doubt creep in and detour you from the path that you know God has set you on.