Thursday, July 14, 2011

old friends...

there's just something really good about catching up with old friends.. the people who knew you way back when you were fat in middle school. this is my friend ashlee. we have been friends for a long long time.. and we've had more fun than most people ever will.. we waited in line to buy nsync CDs on release days.. and went to church camp every summer for.. i don't even know how many years. and there was that time we jumped off a cliff into a river with all our clothes on. after we graduated high school we went to college in different towns.. a lot of times I'd go stay with her for the weekend in nowhere AR.. and we would make the MOST of it. from ashlee I learned that from the right angle, if you squint your eyes just the right way through a camera lens, even the most ordinary places can be unbelievably beautiful. i'm pretty grateful that i still have this friendship..

also, we had lunch yesterday.. lucky me :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

a quick note to you...

God doesn't just love you.. he also likes you. And he's working all things together for your good... and this isn't just a truth to think about when you don't understand the bad things that happen to you.. God is organizing GOOD things for you also! As believers, yes we are called to be strengthened by inevitable trials.. but we are also called to expect GOOD things from our God.. who doesn't just love us. He also likes us.. and that is my 2 cents today... Xx

Friday, July 8, 2011

a few things...

1. i'm thinking about cutting my bangs like this..

2. It's "dress-up-like-a-cow-and-get-a-free-entree-day" at chick-fil-a. Bronson and I take this holiday very seriously..

3. my back hurts and i think this is why.. just being real.

4. Last night bronson and I went out to dinner for our 1-year anni and it was amazing. i won't gush over him anymore.. but just take my word..

Thursday, July 7, 2011

my bean...

today is July 7.. which might not be a big day for you, but it is for me :) today marks one official year with my amazing boyfriend Bronson Chambers Duke II.. and can I just tell you, I'm crazy in love with this guy. He throws rocks at my window to get me to come out onto the porch.. just like in the movies and all the taylor swift songs. and we sit on the porch swing talking to each other.. and he takes me on walks.. and we climb trees and buildings.. and he isn't afraid of much.. he loves Jesus. and he leads me.. he is my favorite.. and I love him the most.

He makes me laugh... even when I don't feel like it.

He takes me dancing.. and he twirls me around..

and he loves the dixie chicks with me...

He won't give up on me.. and he believes in my dreams..

he picks me flowers... whenever possible :)

he is patient and kind..

and pretty...

and i'm lucky...

July 7th is a good day.. indeed..