Friday, May 22, 2009

katy.. i'm glad you're home

this is one of my best friends katy... we live together now.. and i love her like a blood relative.. she's the kind of person you just want to be around... we shared a room in college for an entire year and never even exchanged a cross look.. let alone a sarcastic remark or even a frustrated comment.. i wonder if two roommates have ever gotten along as swimmingly.. and when i say we shared a room.. i mean we had bunkbeds.. she had the top... i had the bottem..we were in school housing on academic scholarships... so while bunkbeds are in no way form or fashion.. an acceptable sleeping arrangement for anyone over the age of 11.. at least the bunkbed was free.. any way... i love her to death and couldn't be more stoked that we are living together again... 

since we moved in at the beginning of the month.. we haven't gotten to hang out that much... . both of our lives have actually been pretty non-stop lately... and with all the kris allen shenanigans that have been so extraordinarily monopolizing our tuesday and wednesday nights (congrats kris!).. we really haven't been able to spend much time together...  but today.. for the first time in a while it feels like our lives might actually coincide a little bit more often.. this afternoon she came home and i just happened to be home too... so we got to hang out...  and we just laid in her room and talked for hours... about God and what's going on in our hearts.. and maybe we cried a little.. it was like the deepest possible breath of fresh air.. in and out... 

i love you katy... i've missed you.. 

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