our mom has always called erin and me "daylight and dark" because we are so different.. and i'm really hoping this doesn't carry any implications with it but... for some reason i'm darkness and she gets to be light.. i'm going to believe that it has to do with skin complexion and hair color.. and hopefully nothing else.. hmm.. but we are.. we're quite different.. everything from her bright blue eyes to my dark hazel eyes.. she's blonde and i'm brunette.. she's a genius at math and i can barely add... i love to write poems and songs.. and she loves to hear them ;) and we are different in other ways too.. ever since we were kids i've always kind of been the loud one who got into trouble whenever possible.. and she was always the angel child that all mothers hope and pray for.. and it doesn't matter how much i grow and change over the years.. i really did myself in as a youngster with that smart mouth of mine... i can't seem to shake the reputation of being somewhat of a tough-skinned spit-fire as far as my family is concerned.. but i promise.. no matter what they say.. i am sweet :) and erin will forever be the sensitive and gentle-hearted one.. you can't change that about her.. and no one ever should.. there is fierce strength within her sensitive heart.. and that is a gift.. God uses her to love and prayerfully protect so many of His own.. and she does it faithfully..
its an interesting thing.. growing up alongside a sister who is so much different than i am.. because it's such a natural tendency to look over at her and wonder how on earth we managed to come from exactly the same roots and be so very different in character.. and i think its a beautiful testimony of God's creativity.. he makes us all distinctly unique.. no two the same.. because we are all intended to bring him a different portion of His glory that only WE were designed to retreive.. which is incredible if you really think about it..
i am so thankful that God blessed me with such a beautiful sister to go through life with on this earth.. she is so good at knowing everything about me and still loving me... reminds me of Jesus :)
we are sisters.
Whatever. Shut up. You did not blog about me... you know how i love attention... somehow it always gives me that feeling that i forgot to get dressed this morning and showed up in public or something feeling... (weird analogy but that's all i've got...) :)
i was actually just telling mom today that i don't really think that life before i was three existed, and i'm serious! i was perplexed when she told me a story about me having to go to a babysitter before you were around... i guess mostly because my life didn't feel like life until you were in it... so why talk about years 1 and 2?, i mean what's the point? yep. 3. that's when life started getting important. that's when Callie entered the world, and made everything a little more interesting. more worthwhile. i love you like no other, and that will never change.
Oh good grief...I have got to stop reading these blogs at work. I waste too much time trying to erase the tear-streaked traitors from my face...*sniff sniff*
That is an incredible tribute. Erin is everything you said, and although she is not blood, she has been a sister for many years. I love that girl more than I could ever tell her. Her loyalty alone wins her a gold star. I'm the lucky one, for sure, that she is my friend.
Your blog just gave me an idea. What if we declared "Life-Giving Blog Day" where we picked a day to blog about someone in our lives who has meant a lot to us? I feel like my blog could end up being only a blog about the people who have helped shape my life...and I would be ok with that. I love you Callie. You bring much color to our otherwise black and white world. ;-)
this is so very beautiful callie....
will someone be my sister?
sisters are something to be thankful for. there is so much that you just blogged about your sister that reminds me of my own! i love life with her and could never imagine it without her. what a beautiful blog about the friend that has always been there and always will be.
:) xoxo (: love you callie
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