Thursday, March 18, 2010

claiming things..

as i previously mentioned.. i love spring. at this point i'll also mention that tuesday i found out i have mono. that's right... the life ruining 6-weeks of nothing but sleep and more sleep. only to wake up and still be sleepy. maybe that sounds a bit dramatic? probably. all i know is i'm tired of not feeling good.. i mean. for crying out loud.. the daffodils are blooming and i'm stuck inside too tired to do anything.. blah..

i really feel like this sickness is more than just a sickness.. i know it's the enemy trying to keep me from being effective. when i don't feel good (which is most of the time) i use it as a reason to not pray or get into the word very much.. or even to just have a defeated posture.. and until recently i haven't been fighting back.. i just lay there and kind of accept the situation.. now granted, physical weakness is part of mono.. and is a little bit more difficult to fight.. since all i feel like doing is sleeping and i'm not strong enough to do much else.. BUT, my attitude on the other hand.. i feel like IS something i can fight to change for the better.. and that has a lot to do with faith...

i have to believe that God is healing me.. even when there is no evidence of it.. i have to know that there's more going on than meets the eye.. the Word of God says that our battles are not against flesh and blood.. right now i'm battling a sickness.. but i'm not going to let that sickness give the enemy a foothold with me.. and my body may be weak.. but my spirit can be strong.. my spirit doesn't have to grow weary...

i've been praying God's word over my body. I recently ordered a book off of amazon called "praying God's word" by Beth Moore.. It's a book about praying God's Word over your life to break free from strongholds... she takes scriptures and turns them into prayers that we can speak over ourselves to change the way we live our lives.. and there isn't a specific chapter about sickness.. but there is one about despair.. which is applicable to my situation in a lot of ways.. i don't remember ever being sick for more than 3 days.. and i've been feeling sick for about a month now with a headache.. and then strep throat.. and now i find out about mono.. i've just felt like this will never end.. and i need my mind to be renewed because we are transformed by the renewing of our minds.. so i've been praying God's word... prayer and God's word are the only agressive weapons we have against the one who steals, kills, and destroys what is intended for the ones who love Jesus: life to the fullest.

Today I prayed this one:

"Merciful Lord, restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me." psalm 51:12

I need that willing spirit.. i claim it today..


Rebecca said...

My sweet friend. Keep proclaiming His word over your life. Today I'm praying psalm 103:1-5 for you. Take it and run with it sister, because it's got some amazing promises. And i'm believing God for all of them to take place in your life.

Bless the Lord, and forget not his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

carrie beth said...

oh dear callie, please feel better. and i am praying for you because i love you.